Friday, August 1, 2008

AirMail Letter #2 - July 18, 2008

Mom and Dad,

Hey, I hope you guys write often. I got a card from Aunt Patricia today, and let me tell you it was such a morale boost. I remember being envious of the first person who got mail. Sorry if I repeat anything - I'm writing so many letters with similar information. I think I wrote to you from Philly and I know I sent a postcard.

I've been here now for one week. I only had one bad moment. They were telling us some worst case scenarios and it triggered doubt, fear and sadness. As soon as I got back to my host family, though, and saw their smiling faces I felt better. I try to keep in mind that they told us about us worst case situations before my trip to Luxembourg last summer, too. Nothing happened to me there because I was careful.

I have yet to poop in the pit latrine (at my host family's compound). I go at the training site. Actually I only use the pit latrine at all when it's daylight because night time = feeding frenzy for the cockroaches. I know they can't hurt me but they are fast and gross.

The more I'm here, the more I realize things that I need and forgot or didn't bring enough of: Air mail envelopes, AAA and AA batteries, iPod wall charger (I brought the USB cord but forgot the charger part), an iPod solar charger, a PWR converter (same as EURO), socks, pens (blue/black), colored pencils, playing cards and  UNO cards.

The more I've talked to current volunteers (there are four here at the training site) the more wary I am of sending my digital camera memory card through the mail. I haven't filled the smaller memory card yet.

Training is going well. The first official day of training, we had a language interview one-on-one with a language trainer.  

** (Two lizards just did a lap around my feet, so now my heart has resumed beating. I can't wait for those sort of things to not phase me anymore.)**

I keep trying to think positive. I'm on top of the game .... no diarrhea yet and no bad side effects of the pills or shots.

Anyway, I scored "Intermediate-low" on my french skills, so I have eight weeks to move up to intermediate-middle. I'm thinking there will be no problem. I may get to start learning Hausa in a few weeks. Most of my host family speaks French so I'm good.

Please write letters, notes, whatever! It's such a good feeling to see mail waiting for you. Everyone envies the ones who get letters.

I'll write as much and send letters out as often as possible, because I have more letters than stamps (and money!) I just got breakfast allowance for this week, and I'm never hungry in the mornings (plus the market is on the opposite side of the training site) so I'll use that money for stamps. Market days are Tuesdays.

I live so close to the training site ... maybe a two minute walk only because it's uphill. My neighbor in the compound (where my host family's house is) is the local tailor so a lot of people stop by. 

Well, I'm running out of things to write.

I LOVE YOU GUYS!      Missing you from Niger!

Jessica         aka  "FaĆ®za"

1 comment:

Martin Yip said...

hope you get my mail : D